March 10, 2009

From Arkansas to Australia

At the moment, I'm sitting at the kitchen table with the windows open, enjoying a beautiful, breezy 78 degree day.  The only bummer about this wonderful spring weather is the unwelcome reminder that I have allergies...and they're REALLY bad in Nashville (I'd go into detail, but it would only be a passive-aggressive plug to get your sympathy).  So...I guess I'll just have to move back to Portland where allergies are non-existent!! ;)

Anyhoo...I wanted to give you a lil' update on my end.  I'm still applying for jobs and have had a few interviews (which has been encouraging!!) but no offers...yet (there's my faith statement: YET!)  :)  I had an interview last week for a Church Ministry Assistant position that I want so badly, and I have (literally) been begging God for it!!  Shameless, I know.  Hey...I just don't want to be guilty of "having not because I asked not", ok? ;)  So...we'll see what the LORD thinks.  I'll keep ya posted.

Along with praying for a job, friends, church, etc...I've also been praying for opportunities to use my musical gifts, right?  Right.  And when I remember to look for God's answers, I find that they are often creative & outside of the box...uniquely "His".  Well...the LORD has recently been surprising me with outside-of-the-box opportunities to lead worship!  A couple weekends ago, I led worship for a House Church in Mayflower, Arkansas.  There were 5 of us...and as we sang praises to the LORD in their living room, He met us intimately.  It was sincerely sweet.

When I first moved to Nashville, I felt an urgency to get my passport.  I didn't know why...but I believed there was a reason.  About a week ago I got an email from one of my best friends, Andrea, inviting me to come for a visit, attend a conference with her & do some ministry (now keep in mind...doing ministry together has been a dream of ours for a few years now).  The Catch??  Andrea lives in Australia :)  And I am tellin' ya...the LORD is sweet, sweet, sweet.  I don't know why He opened wide the doors for me to go, but...He did...and I am!! :)  I leave for Sydney, Australia on March 18th and will be there for 2 weeks!!  We'll be attending the Hillsong Colour Conference (ladies only!) ;)  doing a few touristy things, and then traveling to a few different places where Andrea will be speaking & I'll be leading worship.  We are both delighted & still in shock that this is all happening!!  God is so F-U-N and full of surprises.  "Thankful" does not begin to describe it.  But I'll still say it:

THANK YOU, LORD!!!!!!!!!  What an amazing gift.  Thank You.  It still blows my mind that You love to give Your kids good gifts...just because.  You are such a great Dad.  I love You!!!!!!!!


BK said...

ah ha!! never mind about my facebook note--now i know!! YAY!! i'm so excited for you two!!

B and ME said...

Hi! I just bought your rendition of "Before the Throne" on iTunes ... I;m not sure who you are, but it was either yours or Selahs, so I thought, why not? Beautiful song, thanks!

just me said...

SOOOOO awesome, girl!!! Continued prayers!

Hailey said...

How absolutely incredible! God is so good to allow you to fulfill a dream with your dear friend.

Dan said...

Great news... what an amazing opportunity! how did you get the air ticket? Praying for you Amberlita...

Anonymous said...

stoked to have you in aussieland!